Wrongful Accident Attorney Winter Park
Driving in Florida can be a hazard whether you are driving across the state down I-95, or just to the grocery store in Winter Park. In fact, Florida is ranked as the most dangerous state in the country when it comes to car accidents. With this information, it is a good idea that you are aware of the fact that there is a personal injury attorney ready and available to help in the team at Abercrombie, P.A. as soon as you call.
Whether you are in a wrongful accident because the other driver was texting, lost their sight because of sun glare, or if they were driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, if we can prove that they were at fault for the accident and that you suffered from measurable damages, then we may be able to seek additional compensation through a personal injury lawsuit or settlement.
Read more below about how the process of collecting damages after a wrongful accident in Winter Park works, and contact us now for a free initial consultation to learn more about your rights and options as they pertain to your situation. We look forward to working with you and helping you navigate the complex world of tort law while fighting for the justice you deserve.
What to do After An Accident
If you are in an accident, regardless of who caused it, the most important thing to do is to make sure that you and your passengers are safe. If you are able to, getting out of traffic either by pulling your car to the side of the road or physically walking to the sidewalk, median strip, or onto the shoulder of the road. However, if it is unsafe for you to exit the vehicle, either because of serious injury or because it will put you into oncoming traffic, then remain in the vehicle.
Contact the police as quickly as possible, so that they can get on the scene of the accident with the rest of the emergency services to secure the area, attend to any injuries, investigate the scene, and make any arrests necessary and file a police report. The police officer’s accident report will be a central document for any upcoming claims processes.
If you are injured, do not refuse medical attention. Not only is it extremely important for your own wellbeing, but this also establishes that you have suffered from an injury immediately at the time of the crash. This does not mean that your first thought is to collect damages in a personal injury lawsuit, but that you are aware of your condition and want to ensure that you are able to stay as healthy as possible.
If you do not accept emergency medical attention but have been injured, it is in your best interest to see your doctor soon. Again, this establishes a medical record of your injuries as well as ensures that you are properly treated for any injuries.
Common Injuries Sustained in a Wrongful Accident
Each year, more than 3 million people sustain injuries as a result of a car accident. When the crash involves more than one motor vehicle, the consequences can sometimes be catastrophic. Injuries suffered in a car accident make for potentially high medical expenses, lost income, a decrease in quality of life, etc. When one has suffered an injury due to the fault of another person, it is only natural to wonder how you will be compensated for their negligence. Shortly after an accident has occurred, ensure that you contact an experienced wrongful accident attorney in Winter Park. Learn more about the most common injuries sustained in a wrongful accident below.
- Broken bones
- Trauma to the head and/or neck
- Spinal Cord injuries
- Brain injuries
- Loss of limbs
- Lifelong disability or paralysis
- Burns, scarring, lacerations
Frequently Asked Questions About Wrongful Accidents in Winter Park
How Long Do I Have to File A Personal Injury Suit?
The statutes of limitations to file a personal injury lawsuit for injuries sustained in an automobile accident is four years from the date of an accident. If you wait until the deadline has passed, you will not have the ability to file a lawsuit. If you do, it will be dismissed.
What If I Was Partially At Fault For The Accident?
You may still be able to recoup a percentage of your damages. Florida utilizes a comparative negligence standard. The amount of damages that you can recover is limited by the amount of negligence that you are found liable for.
Can I Afford a Personal Injury Attorney?
At Abercrombie P.A., our clients pay no out-of-pocket costs unless we win your case. Before agreeing to work with any wrongful accident attorney in Winter Park, ensure that you read the contract in full and ask all questions that you have.
How Long Can I Expect The Case to Take?
The length of time it takes to get compensated for your injuries varies on a case by case basis. In some instances, the insurance company may agree to settle early. In other cases, it can take years for the case to come to a conclusion.
What Does it Mean That Florida is a “No-Fault” State?
In Florida, if you suffer injuries in a car accident, you are required to make a claim with your personal injury protection (PIP) insurance first. If your injuries surpass the medical expense limits on your own insurance, you can then file a lawsuit against the other driver(s) involved in the accident.
When To Contact A Personal Injury Attorney
If you have suffered an injury that has amounted to any type of financial impact, including time missed from work, medical costs, or anything else, then you may be able to seek compensation for these costs from the insurance company or the person responsible for the accident. Initially, you will need to file a claim with the insurance company, who will offer you a quick amount to cover your current costs, but this does not account for any future expenses.
When you are dealing with an insurance company and filing a claim, keep in mind that the insurance company’s top priority is to convince you to accept an offer that saves them as much money as possible. Instead of dealing with the insurance company yourself, we can step in and pick up any negotiations to ensure that you get the money you deserve. If the negotiations fail, we will then decide to move forward with a personal injury lawsuit to make sure that you are treated fairly.
We offer a free initial consultation in order to speak with potential clients about their situation, learn more about the injuries that they have suffered, the impacts that these injuries have had on their lives, and discuss how we can move forward if we work together. We will be happy to speak with you, listen about your own experience, and give you some peace of mind as we prepare to move forward with getting the money you are entitled to for your suffering.